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My Snowy Summer

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

A Memory

Some said, we'll never get too old to have a friend.
I agree, but only for a new friend that we have when we're grown up and mature enough.
For a friend that we treasured in our childhood or teenage life... there's always a separation called marriage or death or anything that connected with mature life reality.
Separate two young heart that always team up and introduce it with a cruel solitude maturity.
In the end we'll found...
there's nothing worth in this life more than memories.
Good memories of a good friend,
Good memories of a bad friend,
Bad memories of a good friend,
Bad memories of a bad friend.

And still we saw our self.. sails alone in the middle of the sea of memories.
A memory that matters, a good, a bad, best or worst.
A memory.

Here I am again.. lost in the middle of it.
Drowning with all the messy feelings.

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